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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hemorrhoids and the Elderly

The elderly often suffer from severe hemorrhoidal problems. There are a few causes for it.

Causes for Hemorrhoid Problems in the Elderly

Constipation is a chronic problem in the elderly. Normally, elderly people prefer eating easily chewable foods. These foods prove easy to swallow. However, easily chewable foods are low on fiber and resultant roughage. Therefore, the elderly suffer from chronic constipation. Chronic constipation hardens stools and often this gets lodged in the rectum. This is a serious problem. It is then necessary to manually pull out fecal material from the anal canal.
Some of the elderly could become bedridden due to other diseases. At times, they have to delay bowel movements until nursing aides arrive and help them. Such regular postponement of bowel movements may significantly decrease the ability of sphincter and abdominal muscles. This makes the any constipation problem more severe.

Advancing age often weakens sphincter muscles. They lose their ability to ease passing of stools. The elderly often take laxatives to lessen their problem. Regular use of laxatives makes the elderly dependent on them for regular bowel movements.
Soilage is a common problem in the elderly. The weak sphincter muscles make it almost impossible to control bowel movements and there could be regular leakage of feces from the anus. Sometimes weakened sphincter muscles allow the rectal lining to come out of the anus. This is called prolapse. An extreme condition is procidentia when the entire anal canal slides out of the anus. Regular soilage leads to hemorrhoidal problems and causes ulcers and chafed skin around the anus.
In some elderly people, constipation has always been a problem. Somehow, the elderly did not pay much attention to the problem in their youth.

Helpful Tips for Hemorrhoidal Problems in the Elderly 

Include more fiber-rich foods in your diet like barley, oatmeal, steamed vegetables, peas, and stewed fruits. There are plenty of fiber-rich foods, which are not difficult to chew or crunchy.
Refrain from using laxatives regularly.Instead, use fiber-based stool softeners. A better option is to include natural foods with laxative properties like figs, dried fruits, prunes, and prune juice.
Cold compresses and warm Sitz baths can provide lot of relief from hemorrhoidal pain.
Use petroleum jelly to lubricate the anal canal just before a bowel movement.
Never leave a hemorrhoid problem untreated even if it is a mild problem.Use herbal and natural supplements to strengthen vein walls and treat hemorrhoids.
Increase your water intake. Drink lots of water with meals instead of drinking after meals.This helps in softening the food and the fiber content.It then becomes easier to pass stools.

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