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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hemorrhoids and Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are a common occurrence. Many women suffer from hemorrhoidal problems arising from their pregnancy. But, they often disappear soon after delivery of the baby.
Some pregnant women also suffer from bleeding hemorrhoids.

Causes for Hemorrhoids during Pregnancy 

Hemorrhoidal problems usually start in the final trimester.If you have hemorrhoids before your pregnancy, they could be aggravated during the advanced stages of the pregnancy. The uterus is located just above the blood vessels where the hemorrhoidal veins drain. The weight of the growing baby causes these veins to swell and that may cause or aggravate hemorrhoids.
Also, the pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes the walls of the varicose veins and that causes them to swell.
Pregnant women often have less exercise or physical activity than they usually have.
Long periods of sitting or standing can aggravate the condition.
During childbirth, all the abdominal muscles exert pressure and this affects the veins in the region. The veins swell due to the intense pressure. If you have a long labor, it may cause hemorrhoidal problems after childbirth.
Pregnant women often experience constipation due to straining when passing a bowel movement and this may cause hemorrhoids.

Alleviating Hemorrhoidal Problems during Pregnancy 

Normally, any hemorrhoidal problems that you develop during your pregnancy will reduce or even disappear as you regain your strength and normal level of activity after childbirth.
You may be allowed to use ice packs in the first twenty-four hours after delivery to ease pain and discomfort. Thereafter, your medical practitioner will advise you whether you can use Sitz baths, perhaps with local application of hydrocortisone ointments or Witch Hazel on sterile cotton balls. These should only be used when approved in advance by your doctor. They will also tell you how long each treatment, if approved, should be.
This can alleviate pain and discomfort.
Every four to six hours you may be advised that you can lie down on your left side for around twenty minutes. This may lower the pressure on the main vein draining the lower part of your body.
Pregnant women should not strain during bowel movements. Allow your body to function normally and visit the toilet promptly when the call comes.
Maintain a regular habit of drinking a glass of water on waking up. Then, you will soon feel the urge to defecate.
Develop and maintain healthy food habits during pregnancy. Have breakfast near to a fixed time as possible. Stick to your meal times as much as possible during the day.
Include lots of fibrous fruits, cereals,grains and vegetables in your daily diet. Eat probiotic foods with your meals to improve intestinal activity.
Drink more water,in line with your doctor’s advice, during and after meals.
Maintain a regular physical exercise schedule. Go for a walk regularly as walking promotes good blood circulation and can help to keep you free of constipation.
It is best for pregnant women to refrain from sitting or standing in one place for a long time.
Take adequate periods of rest at regular intervals. This reduces the possibility of developing hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
Pregnant women should not use laxatives. It is always best to consult a doctor before using any drugs to ease hemorrhoidal problems or for any other reason during pregnancy.
If you have bleeding hemorrhoids, you should refrain from eating hot and spicy foods. These will aggravate the situation and increase inflammation and discomfort.

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