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Friday, April 5, 2013

Causes of Hemorrhoids

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Diet rich in processed food with less of fresh fruits and vegetables is a major cause for hemorrhoids. Consumption of lots of refined flour, animal proteins, fiber-depleted carbohydrates, and sugar reduces roughage and therefore your stools become hard and difficult to pass. This leads to hemorrhoids.

Strained Bowel Movement 

Forced bowel movement either trying too hard or for too long can cause hemorrhoids. Such strained bowel movement could be due to constipation, diarrhea, or poor bathroom habits. Squatting toilets makes it easier for smooth bowel movements.

Postponing Bowel Movement 

You could occasionally postpone a bowel movement if there are no proper facilities in the vicinity. This does not cause any great problem.However, if you are regularly in the habit of postponing bowel movements,eventually, fecal matter within the intestines gets dried up and consequently harder. This then strains while passing and therefore leads to hemorrhoids.Further, fecal matter within colon pressurizes muscles and veins in the anal region. This causes swelling of veins around the anus and rectum.


Some people inherit weak vein walls. This could lead to hemorrhoids, although this alone may not be the deciding factor. Weak vein walls combined with long hours of standing or sitting or poor bathroom habits can lead to hemorrhoids.


During pregnancy, the extra weight of the uterus walls weighs down on the rectal veins. Further,a long and painful labor causes increased pressure on the anal region. This could lead to constipation in women without any previous complaints.However, if you already have hemorrhoids, pregnancy can worsen your problem. This problem worsens in the final trimester.

Constipation and Diarrhea 

Both can cause hemorrhoids. Constipation is difficulty in passing stools due to hardening causing excessive straining. Diarrhea causes excessive passing of watery stools due to any adverse reaction. This damages rectal veins and leads to hemorrhoids.


Rectal cancer can lead to hemorrhoids. Rectal cancer prompts or causes an urge to defecate often, although you do not actually defecate. This unnecessary and frequent strain causes excessive pressure on your veins and leads to hemorrhoids.
Other diseases like heart ailments, liver diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, and intestinal tumors can indirectly cause hemorrhoids.

Lack of Exercise

A sedentary lifestyle with almost very little movement of muscles causes your muscles to lose their elasticity. This makes bowel movements difficult. This is a common problem in the elderly and sick people. Similarly, some jobs require you to sit or stand for very prolonged periods. This also causes hemorrhoids.


Being overweight causes several problems, hemorrhoids being one of them. Excess weight in the pelvic and abdomen region increases pressure on the pelvic veins. This leads to hemorrhoids.

Other Possible Causes of Hemorrhoids 

Other factors which may be linked to the occurrence of hemorrhoids with some patients may include vitamin deficiency, frequent use of laxatives, hypertension and poor intake of fluids and water.
People who regularly suffer from constipation and diarrhea can get hemorrhoids. Similarly, chronic sufferers of liver diseases and intestinal diseases can get hemorrhoids.
People having jobs that entail long hours of sitting or standing could develop hemorrhoids. People eating more spicy foods or those drinking less water could suffer from constipation and resultant hemorrhoidal symptoms.